Estate files objection to Robson's creditor claim- 06/04/2013 OBJECTION TO PETITION TO FILE A LATE CREDITOR'S CLAIM by Attorney for Executor
Document - Radar Online
June 2013
Very brief summary of the documents below
Estate is objecting to Wade's request to file a late creditors claim. They point out that any claim has to be filed in 120 days and at maximum 1 year after death. Executors argue that Wade was aware of Estate being established and in probate and that John Branca was doing business for Estate. It looks like Wade's lawyer claimed Wade wasn't aware of MJ Estate until March 2013.
Estate makes a blanket denial of the accusations as Michael is not alive and the accusations are filed really late. they state they don't have any information to respond to the accusations.
The rest of Estate's objection is about the cases Wade's lawyer cited and how they aren't relevant to this situation at hand.
Wade's lawyer files a document stating how they filed the documents under seal and they did not want this to be public and they only spoke to media after Weitzman released a statement.