I'm going to make an update about Paris's responses to interrogatories / written questions

Paris states Michael was happy about the ticket presales for TII tour & excited about the tour & he wanted concert footage to be 3D

Paris also states that Michael told her schedule for TII was "too much" for him and "Phillips and them were out to get me"

Paris says she saw Michael drinking red wine (making him sleepy), taking Tylenol & Advil, medicine before he flies, IV fluids& herbal shakes

Paris says she believed IV fluids for nutrition and she's only familiar with Internet rumors about Michael's alleged "drug addiction"

Paris says Michael told her not to take drugs because it would keep them from being healthy and productive.

Paris says one week before his death Michael was complaining about his body temperature would fluctuate from hot to cold.

Paris says within 2 days before his death Michael said to her Tohme was back on board because he had helped Michael with a house in Las Vegas. 

Paris says Michael told her he wanted to do movies (write, direct, act) , combine his music catalog with movies and move to LV after tour.

Paris says she applied a white cream to Michael's back and shoulders. She tells how the hang out together in LA & Las Vegas.

Paris says Michael encouraged them to read. If they wanted a toy, they needed to read books to get it. Once Paris read 3 books over a weekend and Michael bought her a cat.

Paris says Michael told her "you need to be tough or people will take advantage of you".

Paris says Michael said he trusted Dr. Murray and he liked Dr. Klein as a friend. Michael also said he liked Dr. Sabe, a holistic healer


AEG's version of events from their motion as follows

AEG states they tried to avoid to depose Prince &Paris but they are important witnesses as they stated they interacted with Murray before AEG came into the picture. 

AEG also states that Michael's kids are active in entertainment industry, have twitter accounts, make appearances and give interviews.

After trying to set dates for sometime, they agree to do depositions on Saturday to fit with school schedules and avoid media.

Prince goes to his deposition on March 2 with TJ, Katherine,3 lawyers & security. AEG's lawyers arrange for them to enter unseen to offices. AEG states they provided lunches to everyone and treated Prince with care & courtesy. They say Katherine thanked them for accommodations. 

After 2 hours of deposition, when they start Prince asking about Murray, KJ's lawyers end deposition saying Prince was tired. AEG states they had problems with setting time for the continuance of Prince's deposition and Paris's deposition kept being cancelled.

AEG states then they later heard complaint about how they treated Prince , they deny such claims and say they showed care & courtesy. 

It looks like after a lot of back and forth Prince's deposition was continued this Tuesday and Paris's is set for today. 

KJ's lawyers wanted to move Paris's deposition to the court house rather than AEG lawyers offices. AEG doesn't understand this.AEG states media reports this case extensively and they would report today's status hearing. Hence media would see Paris coming to court. AEG states they did everything to ensure privacy for Prince but KJ's lawyers move to depose Paris at the court would expose her to media

AEG also gives the judge copy of Prince's deposition (sealed from public) to see that there were no improper behavior towards Prince.


Documents for above summaries/ updates: 

AEG's motion to set date for Paris's deposition 


Katherine's opposition to the above motion
