MJ Estate v. Tohme lawsuit updates
September 2014
After 2 years we have some new information about MJ Estate vs Tohme lawsuits.
As you might remember Tohme filed a complaint against MJ Estate asking for fees he’s owed. These were 10% from Neverland refinancing, 10% from any future transaction about Neverland, 15% of income from services he provided (plus interest when applicable). Details of Tohme’s complaint can be found here: http://dailymichael.com/lawsuits/estate-v-tohme/100-tohme-complaint-against-mj-estate
Estate had also filed a complaint against Tohme asking for accounting all actions and transactions done by Tohme, return of any money and property (of Michael) Tohme has and cancellation of the three agreements Michael had with Tohme. Details of Estate’s complaint can be found here: http://dailymichael.com/lawsuits/estate-v-tohme/99-estate-complaint-against-tohme
Tohme and Michael had 3 agreements:
MJ Estate ask Judge to throw out claims by Safechuck
document here : https://amradaronline.files.wordpress.com/2014/09/jackson2901-signed.pdf
It's the Estate's request for a demmurrer of Safechuck's case. It does not contain Safechuck's lawsuit, but it does refer to some elements of it so we can learn from it:
- Safechuck alleges MJ molested him between 1988 and 1991.
- Safechuck admits he learnt about MJ's death shortly after he died and he was aware of his Estate. (No "I had no idea
about the administration of the Estate" claim here as in Robson's claims.)
- He learnt about Robson's allegations shortly after May 1, 2013.
- Safechuck's lawyer, Maryann Marzano (same as Robson's lawyer) said in their lawsuit that she's been working on Safechuck's case 8 months before they filed in May, 2014. Which would mean she's been working on it since September, 2013.
- He claims he did not testify in 2005 because he was concerned his mother would find out he was sexually abused by MJ. He
claims regardless ultimately he told his mother in 2005 that MJ was a "bad man" and that he "had been abused by MJ".
- He claims he did not initially connect various anxiety issues he suffered to the alleged abuse until mid-2013.
- He claims he became concerned about having pedophilic urges when his son was born and that he was prescribed Xanax during his wife's pregnancy in 2010.
- He claims he did not link these anxiety issues to his alleged abuse until he saw Robson in 2013 and went into therapy on May 20, 2013, discussing the alleged abuse.
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A Place With No Name Video Premiere
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— Michael Jackson (@michaeljackson) August 14, 2014